About Me

My photo
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
I was born in Omori,Ota-ku,Tokyo,Japan in 1961. I have elder sister she has of the strong influence on me about everything especially music and then I started it. It was actually Fork Music at first,for example Takuro Yoshida,Yosui Inoue,Tulip...etc. And she started acoustic guitar but she never allow me playin' it but I sometimes played it actually. When I was Junior High school student,it was may 11 years old,I had heard first the introduction for "A Hard Day's Night" in my friend's room and my real musical life has started. I was or am love to play guitar so I asked my parents to buy my guitar,and they gave me "Greco Flying V". Everyday,every night I played my guitar and I slept with my guitar. It was so great feeling,feel like a KING. I thought "Music Can Change The World"! And first my BAND started.



そんな訳で今日は家でマターリ。あ、ブログに Amazon のアフィリエイトを復活させましたので、もし Amazon でお買い物をする方はクリックしてちょー、してちょー(笑)

夜は「KISA」に行ったが予約で一杯だったので「KING FROG」でエスニック飯を食いました。ちなみに「KISA」のトイメンに出来たスーパーは安いっ!!




03 said...


KNG said...

03,昨日は美味しいご馳走とお酒とおもてなしをありがとうございました! あんな近くでコタツに入りながら桜が見られたなんて...うーん、何て贅沢な事でしょう。ぜひまた来年もお誘いいただければ嬉しいです!